Kubeapps apprepository-controller Developer Guide ¶

The apprepository-controller is a Kubernetes controller for managing Helm chart repositories added to Kubeapps.

An AppRepository resource looks like this:

apiVersion: v1
apiVersion: kubeapps.com/v1alpha1
kind: AppRepository
  name: bitnami
  url: https://charts.bitnami.com/incubator
  type: helm

This controller will monitor resources of the above type and create Kubernetes CronJobs to schedule the repository to be synced to the database. This is a component of Kubeapps and is intended to be used with it.

Based off the Kubernetes Sample Controller .

Prerequisites ¶

Download the kubeapps source code ¶

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/kubeapps $KUBEAPPS_DIR

The apprepository-controller sources are located under the cmd/apprepository-controller/ directory of the repository.

cd $KUBEAPPS_DIR/cmd/apprepository-controller

Install Kubeapps in your cluster ¶

Kubeapps is a Kubernetes-native application. To develop and test Kubeapps components we need a Kubernetes cluster with Kubeapps already installed. Follow the Kubeapps installation guide to install Kubeapps in your cluster.

Building apprepository-controller binary ¶

go build

This builds the apprepository-controller binary in the working directory.

Running in development ¶

Before running the apprepository-controller binary on the development host we should stop the existing controller that is running in the development cluster. The best way to do this is to scale the number of replicas of the apprepository-controller deployment to 0.

kubectl -n kubeapps scale deployment kubeapps-internal-apprepository-controller --replicas=0

NOTE Remember to scale the deployment back to 1 replica when you are done

You can now run the apprepository-controller binary on the developer host with:

./apprepository-controller --repo-sync-image=docker.io/kubeapps/asset-syncer:myver --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config

Performing application repository actions in the Kubeapps dashboard will now trigger operations in the apprepository-controller binary running locally on your development host.

Running tests ¶

To start the tests on the apprepository-controller run the following command:

go test

Building the kubeapps/apprepository-controller Docker image ¶

To build the kubeapps/apprepository-controller docker image with the docker image tag myver:

make IMAGE_TAG=myver kubeapps/apprepository-controller